PhD Adrian Iftene

Adrian Iftene

Dean, Ph.D

Faculty of Computer Science, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iasi


Adrian Iftene is a PhD associate professor at the Faculty of Informatics. In terms of research expertise, he has a very good experience in the field of artificial intelligence, especially in text processing (namely entity recognition – identification and classification, opinion extraction and sentiment analysis, textual understanding, question answering, information retrieval) both in Romanian as well as in English.

He also has experience in social media analysis (Twitter, MySpace) and user profiling. Since 2007, he has involved students from UAIC-FII in textual link recognition challenges: RTE and TAC. They achieved an excellent ranking: out of approximately 22 participating groups, they achieved 3rd place (in 2007), 2nd place (in 2008) and 1st place (in 2009).

So far he has been involved in 25 research projects (12 international and 13 national). In two projects: MUCKE (a CHIST-ERA project (2012-2015)) and in Competit & C (a POSDRU project (2014-2015)), he was a project manager. In the EVALSYS project he was the responsible partner, and in the STAGES project, he was a scientific advisor.